Väre outside

What is Väre?

Väre is a new building in Otaniemi. Väre is the winner campus 2015 architectural completion from 2013 by Verstas architects that have got a State Award for Architecture in 2015. (http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Tiedotteet/2015/11/valtionpalkinnot_1911.html? lang=en)

Väre will be built in Otaniemi Campus. The simple basic module produces a convincing variety of spatial arrangements, and it is adaptable and flexible but with a clear and distinct architectural character. The spatial concept has also found a fitting form, in which users move from the general public areas upwards towards more private and intimate places or from interdisciplinary to more specialized activities, a mode of operation completely in tune with the expressed aims of the university.

Väre project have been awarded building permits on the 7th of December and the construction works stars in January 2016. Two-thirds of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture will be built during the first stage of the construction project. The objective is for the school to move into the new building during the summer 2018.