Väre workshop: A Pedagogical viewpoint for Väre premises

Aim: Discussing about the Väre premises: group learning spaces and students’ homebase

Venue: Otakaari 1 A124, Otaniemi campus, Espoo

Invited: Academic leaderships, Architects, Vice deans, ACRE, ARTS

(Directors of the Bachelor´s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Art, Design and Architecture)


9.00–9.05  Opening

9.05–9.35  Future Learning and learning concepts in Väre

9.35–9.55  Discussing

9.55-10.05  Guidelines for the workshop

10.05–10.45  Working in groups

10.45–11.20  Outcomes from the groups and next steps

11.30–12.30  Visit in Väre construction site / in two




Väre workshops during the spring 2016

There were 10 Väre workshops all together during the spring 2016. Väre workshops were held together with departments of ARTS, LES (Learning services) and with students’ unions 30.3.-31.5.2016. Thanks for those who participated to the workshops!

There were 467 answers of post it notes all together and some emails afterwards too. Thank you! I collected all the answers and listed those according to the floors. It seems like this:

Floor 0             127

Floor 1.            126

Floor 2.            140

Floor 3.            133

I have attached here also a link to the presentation that is telling more about the most important themes of the notes.

Summary of Väre workshops


Foundation stone* laid for Väre

On Friday 27 May 2016 on Otaniemi campus, the foundation stone for the new building “Väre” was laid in ceremonial style. A metal cylinder containing the University Charter, pictures, coins and the day’s newspapers, was deposited at the northern end of the building as a ‘record for future generations’.

The building will be ready in autumn 2018, when it will become the home of the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The School’s Dean, Anna Valtonen, was greatly pleased that the School will be brought together in one location, in place of the current situation with several spread-out locations.

The largest user group for Väre will be, of course, the students of the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Kalle Keinonen and Miia Suomela are glad that Aalto will finally be able to meet its promises of bringing together people from different academic fields. Students brought to the foundation-laying ceremony a cherry tree sapling which will later be planted in the area. Attendees at the ceremony had the opportunity to write down their hopes for the new building on a slip of paper, which were then attached to the branches of the tree.

Dean Anna Valtonen commented that the new building symbolises Aalto University’s original idea of multidisciplinary encounters.

* The laying of foundation stone is a tradition for a great building. The ceremonious laying of the corner-stone of public buildings, especially of religious and institutions, has become a universal custom. The tradition is inherited from the ancient Babylonia. The ceremony consists of placing an appropriate record in the hollow part of the stone beneath, and accompanied by certain solemn forms.

VÄRE in Aalto Festival

New Building of Aalto University – VÄRE in Aalto Festival

Väre, a new building of Aalto University, is under a construction work. Väre by Verstas architects was the winner of 189 proposal plans of Campus 2015 architectural competition 2013. Väre is based on a simple and clear module that is following coordinates of Alvar Aalto’s buildings. The school of Art, Design and Architecture (ARTS) move into the new building during the summer 2018. The event will present the new Väre building and the audience can participate for a Väre workshop.

The event is open to all.



Honey pot Hubs model

A goal of the second workshop with heads of department was to decide on the distribution principles for people, as well as to consider organization structures.

The presentation included four different kinds of distribution principles models:

  1. a) Degree programmes
  2. b) Existing groups
  3. c) Focus areas
  4. d) Fortuna

After the presentation, participants divided into two working groups and worked with two different models discussing pros and cons and elaborating on these.

The decision

The heads of department decided that the people distribution principles and organization structures will be organized within the Väre building according to a model called Honey pot Hubs, which is created by utilizing ARTS’ focus areas (as hubs) in relation to ARTS’ degree programmes.

Focus areas are:

  • Design in all scales of human environment and everyday life
  • Meanings and expressions, storytelling
  • Artistic research practice
  • Culture of sharing; new ways of planning, producing and distributing
  • Digital society


See also: Memo from ARTS Heads of Department workshop 2 14.1.2016