Author: Sari Dhima
Inlets on the wall in the model room
Väre Worksite survey: inlets on the wall in the model room (1.12.2016)
Skylight window
Väre Worksite survey: Skylight window (1.12.2016)
Window glass installation to the frame
Väre Worksite survey: Window glass installation to the frame (30.11.2016)
Art team of Aalto Arts visited in the Väre construction site
Art team of Aalto Arts visited in the Väre construction site on the 23rd of November 2016.
In the picture on the right side there is the Art Coordinator of Aalto University Outi Turpeinen, in the middle Head of the One Campus project Sari Dhima and on the left side there is a Vice dean of Art and creative practices at the School of Arts, Architecture and Design Saija Hollmén.
Electrical conduiting
Väre Worksite survey: electrical conduiting (14.11.2016)
Dividing wall model
Väre Worksite survey: Dividing wall model (8.11.2016)
Brickwork façade model III
Väre Worksite survey: Brickwork façade model III (8.11.2016)
Aalto university ARTS-BIZ premises for shared use
The construction site for a new building is located centrally on the campus. Users for the new building will be the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Väre), and the School of Business (Maarintie 13).
Facilities support collaboration
The new building has a central meeting point on the campus and it provide inspiring and interactive spaces for collaboration. The plan is to join the phase 1 and phase 2 of the building seamlessly.
Users from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the School of Business have been involved in the planning and they have brought up functional needs and wishes regarding the facilities. The new space guidelines at Aalto University aim at flexibility and versatile use of space.
Floor surface model
Väre Worksite survey: Floor surface model (31.10.2016)